Take a look at the statistics:
In the United States: [1]
- Approximately 50* million children have been aborted** since Roe V. Wade was first decided.
- Approximately 1.3 million abortions are performed every year.
- This amounts to around 3500 abortions performed per day.
- About every 24 seconds, a child is aborted.
- By the time you read this posting, more than 12 children will have been aborted in the US.* Value is estimated, was reported at 46 million in 2005** Numbers are for legal abortions. Illegal procedures may count for a greater number
- 57 million people die every year.
- Abortions contribute to an additional 42 million deaths.
- Including abortions, close to 100 million people die every year worldwide.
- Around 115,000 abortions are performed daily.
- This amounts to more than 1 child being killed per second.
- By the time you read this posting, 400 children will have been aborted around the world.
The numbers for the US alone are staggering, but are truly horifying for the entire world. Official statistics state around 57 million deaths a year, but those do not include numbers from abortion procedures. It is estimated that 42 million abortion procedures are performed yearly around the world, and that number could be greater. That is 42,000,000 people – about 14% of the US population, killed in abortions. Percentage wise, abortions account for more than 42% of deaths. That's more than deaths due to lack of clean water, starvation, disease, and AIDS combined [4]. This is truly alarming, because it means that a vast majority of people in recent history have not died of natural causes, but have died at the hands of their fellow man; in other words, murdered. As a comparison, 6 million Jews were killed during the Holocaust. This occurred over the six years of WWII. As you can see, that number is already dwarfed by the annual number of abortions worldwide. Going by current abortion rates, that would mean that around 250,000,000 abortions occur in the same time frame. If rates stay the same, that means a billion children will be aborted in the next 24 years. By no means do I intend to detract from the horrors that occurred during the Holocaust; rather I hope to illustrate the horror in the extermination of any human life.
The great problem here is that we have exalted women's rights to a point where they transcend human rights, which should never be. The rights to life transcend anyone's personal rights. Feminism has created an ideology that a unborn child is somehow part of a woman's body and she can do as she pleases with it. There is no logical basis for this, as an unborn child is not physically attached to the mother (the uterus and placenta are separated by a barrier of fluid) and the child is genetically unique compared to the mother. Being inside of a barn does not make me cow, nor does being inside of a house make me part of that property. If I came under the ownership of whosoever property I was on or in, I would be a slave. Since slavery is outlawed, why do we use the same rhetoric to apply to an unborn child? I am not a part of the house I live in, nor a part of the car I drive in; so why is a fetus considered a part of a woman's body? It is not a scientifically valid claim, it is not a philosophically valid claim, nor is it an ethically valid claim. Yet people still continue to use this claim, which is ironically prevalent in the “intellectual” community.
We all must see that no person is entitled to any right whatsoever if it costs another person's life in order to uphold that right. To say otherwise is defying all logic and demonstrates a contempt for human life. What is especially unsettling is that a great number of people who consider themselves to be Christians are supporters of abortion. This, however, is completely contradictory to Scripture. It is written: “From birth I was cast upon you; from my mother’s womb you have been my God” (Psalm 22:10). God is also the God of the unborn, as much as He is for those outside the womb. Again, it is written: “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb” (Psalm 139:13). Who are we to destroy the work of the Lord's hands? Do we dare consider ourselves above Him? Most certainly not! We can find more still: “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations” (Jeremiah 1:5). Should we destroy the ones whom the Lord knows? Again, most certainly not! Furthermore, when John the Baptist was still in the womb, he leaped for joy upon hearing the voice of Mary (Luke 1:41). This shows someone very much human and not just a lump of tissue. To further exemplify the significance of the unborn, when Rebekah was pregnant with Jacob and Esau, the Lord said to her, “Two nations are in your womb, and two peoples from within you will be separated; one people will be stronger than the other, and the older will serve the younger” (Genesis 25:23). Not only was Rebekah pregnant with two children, but from those children would descend two nations. And from Jacob, came the nation of Israel and the line of Christ's human ancestry. Were they but lumps of flesh that Rebekah could do with as she pleased? Or were they the fathers of nations, through one of which Christ would come? I implore you, do not ever think so lowly of human life.
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