These are a list of books you may find helpful in your studies of theology, evangelism, salvation, the gospel and more. I will be adding more as I read them.
All of Grace
Charles Spurgeon
This book is a beautiful work regarding the grace of God, and its application to undeserving sinners. Spurgeon also makes a humble plea to those readers who are lost to turn from their wicked ways, yet at the same time giving them a grim picture of the cost of unrepentance. Spurgeon writes to clearly show that salvation is all of grace, not having anything to do with our own merit, but instead, is unconditionally given of the good pleasure of God. A valuable classic, especially to better one's understanding of the gospel and of salvation.
Knowledge of the Holy
A.W. Tozer
A must read for any Christian, Tozer gives profound insight into the attributes of God. The more we know about God's greatness, and of His magnificent character, the more He is glorified in our lives. This book is no exception to that. In a society that so perverts the image of God, it is imperative that we study the biblical truths about who God truly is. In a sea of religious books, most of which do no honor to God whatsoever, Knowledge of the Holy stands out as a rare gem. Tozer was a man who desired to see God glorified, and this book does not fall short in doing just that.
The Attributes of God
A.W. Pink
This is another book dealing with the attributes of God, but rather than conflicting with Tozer's Knowledge of the Holy, both these books serve to compliment each other, and in reading both, one can gain a much clearer picture of who God is than if he or she had only read one of them. Granted, Pink does bring forth arguments in favor of Calvinism, but he does make a very compelling and well-reasoned case for Calvinist theology. Even if you do not agree with the Doctrines of Grace, this is still an exceptional book that is rich in the knowledge of God's character and speaks in such a way as to bring glory solely upon the One deserving of it.
The Cost of Discipleship
Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Written by a Lutheran pastor martyred by the Nazis, The Cost of Discipleship gives profound insight into what it means to follow Christ. Bonhoeffer goes to great lengths to explain Gospel and Law, and how the two relate, as well as contrasting grace and works, and showing how even those relate; showing that works inevitably proceed from grace. Offering an excellent treatise on the first chapters of Matthew, Bonhoeffer's work is certainly one of the most prolific Christian titles of the twentieth century. A must read for anyone wishing to go deeper in understanding of grace, atonement and sanctification.
God has a Wonderful Plan for Your Life
Ray Comfort
This is certainly one of the more-eye opening titles I have come across. It deals with the serious errors of the modern gospel message, especially those who base their entire message around "God has a wonderful plan for your life." Comfort talks about how so many have been led astray by this; they gladly receive the message, but when the promised hardship, persecution and trials come, they turn away. Furthermore, Comfort talks about the modern gospel's failure to convict the sinner under the law, thus nullifying any real sense of a desperate need for grace. Because of this weak, even false, gospel, our churches are flooded with false converts, and many more who make "professions" of faith in Christ are never heard from again. This book paints a sobering picture of the modern gospel and the effect it has had upon the church. Finally, the reader is shown a much more biblical way of presenting the gospel. An essential tool for evangelism, definitely worth getting (especially since you can request a free copy).
The Pursuit of God
A.W. Tozer
A Christian classic, this book speaks on the importance of complete devotion to God in one's life. It brings up how important it is that we not forsake Christ in our day-to-day activity; that indeed, He is the center of all things. Tozer discusses the significance of running after Christ; making our life about the pursuit of God, hence the title. An excellent read, especially for those who have grown weary of the world in their walk with Christ.
Mere Christianity
C.S Lewis
Written by the same author of the Chronicles of Narnia series, Mere Christianity explores the nature of the Christian faith, and how it runs far deeper than simply a man's behavior. A former atheist, Lewis makes a case for the reality and need for God, and explores the depraved nature of man, bringing to light some of the vices that constitute the life of fallen man. Lewis then shows the need for a savior, and the implications thereof. The book contains an excellent treatise on the subject of pride.