I have spent much of my writing discussing self-examination and repentance. While such things are absolutely essential, those of us who are in Christ tend to get discouraged quite easily sometimes. Even the strongest man is still part of the frail, delicate bride of Christ. We tend to beat ourselves down under the same law that we have been saved from under grace. It seems to be human nature in that we tend to try and establish our righteousness, even when we are under grace. Had we not grace, we would be condemned for such things. Yet, as we are foolish creatures, how fortunate the grace we have in spite of who we are. When we do fall into this error, it only brings us misery and discouragement, as we see we cannot live up the standards set before us in God's Law. Yet we have grace! We must remember that it is His righteousness and not ours. This is the grace we have in Christ Jesus. Do we uphold the Law by our own merit? By no means! Yet, the work of the cross within us causes us to uphold the Law, even though we do err frequently. But because of the grace of Christ, we have no worry over our mistakes, for they are covered by His blood. The only one who needs worry is he who forsakes the call of Christ so that he may indulge in his wicked desires. Yet we who are in Christ have no such need to worry. Take delight in what is written: “Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus” (Romans 8:1). There is no condemnation for those who truly are in Christ. Rather, we have the hope of life and the resurrection. We have the hope that we will not perish like the rest of the world. We have no need to be in anguish, for the Lord looks favorably upon His children. The psalmist writes, “But the eyes of the LORD are on those who fear him, on those whose hope is in his unfailing love” (Psalm 33:18). In this we have assurance; for certainly the Lord will not forsake those whom He loves.
Though we will face many troubles (John 16:33), we always have assurance in Christ. The book of Psalms records many laments. But all end with the assurance of the hope that is to come. The lament of Psalms 42 & 43 ends with this: “Why are you downcast, O my soul? Why so disturbed within me Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God” (Psalm 43:5). Great is our hope indeed if we put our hope in the Lord, for He is faithful. Those who put their hope in the Lord are the blessed ones: “Blessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the LORD his God, the Maker of heaven and earth, the sea, and everything in them—the LORD, who remains faithful forever” (Psalm 146:5-6). Furthermore, the Lord delights in those who hope in Him: “The LORD delights in those who fear him, who put their hope in his unfailing love” (Psalm 147:11). Those who have put their faith in Christ and have submitted to Him in obedience are the ones who are blessed and the ones in whom the Lord delights. None of which comes of our own merit, but that which is given freely by the grace of God. Fear the Lord and find your hope in Him, and Him alone: “Do not let your heart envy sinners, but always be zealous for the fear of the LORD. There is surely a future hope for you, and your hope will not be cut off” (Proverbs 23:17-18). There is surely a future hope for those who are in Christ Jesus. Rest assured, and do not look to yourself, but look to Christ. In Him there is hope to the very end; hope without limit.
Have no fear in your struggles, but look to Him who has the power to overcome. Even the great apostle Paul struggled greatly. Yet, he found assurance all the same. He wrote describing his ordeal, “To keep me from becoming conceited because of these surpassingly great revelations, there was given me a thorn in my flesh, a messenger of Satan, to torment me. Three times I pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me. But he said to me, 'My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness'” (2 Corinthians 12:7-9). God's grace is sufficient. No matter what we've been through, what we've done nor what we are facing, God's grace is sufficient in all things. In that we can remember and take hope. This is our assurance. By chance, if you are one who has been trusting in his own merit and cannot find that assurance, know that the assurance is there. For you must come to the point of surrender, abandoning both your own righteousness and your sin. For your own righteousness cannot save you; it cannot cover the stain of your sin. But rest assured that there is Another who has died in your place, bearing your sin and bringing you the righteousness that you could never attain. Will you put your hope and trust in this risen King, the Lord Jesus Christ? He alone can save; look to Him and be saved. Repent, find your hope in Christ! All who come to Him will find hope in Him – an everlasting hope that will never perish. May all you who despair find hope and assurance in Christ; for surely He has not forsaken those whom He loves.
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